Monday, August 9, 2010

One year

Lindy told me I need to blog about my great bonus gift today.

As I was eating from the last of a box of Mike and Ike's today I found 3 almond M&M's. What a bonus!

There, Lindy, I did it.

On to a more serious note

It's hard to believe that one year ago yesterday Dave and I moved into our new home. We love the house and the neighbors. We also love our new ward and all the new friends we have been blessed to make. It wasn't easy and still isn't easy but we are grateful for the change.

It's amazing that we only moved a mile or two from our old house but in terms of seeing old ward members and old friends we might has well have moved to a different state. If I don't see them at the grocery store the only contact I have is through facebook. I'm not blaming anyone because I'm just as bad as everyone else. I guess it's the out of side out of mind thinking.

We weren't able to sell our old home so we are renting it which has it's good points and it's not so good points. I won't go into that here.

It's been a very eventful year in our family. In December Ben and Stacy had baby Aiden. He is adorable and is just starting to crawl around on his own. He has blond hair and the most beautiful blue eyes you have ever seen on a little boy. He is the only Brown boy that has blue eyes.

In May Chelly and Benny had little Penelope. She has red hair and the most wonderful smile! She smiles with her whole body and she looks like she just can't contain all that joy. She is such a doll and I can't wait to see her personality develop. Saturday evening I cut Chelly's hair and Penelope just sat on the couch with Grandpa just chillin'. I wish I had taken a picture. Adeline loves her to distraction.

In June Matt and Mandy had little Chloe Jo. She is so sweet and so fun to cuddle and is just starting to fill out. She has the darkest hair of all our grandbabies so far. Ethan loves being a big brother and loves his little sister.

It's wonderful to see our family grow and nothing brings me more joy than to see my family all together having fun. We certainly aren't perfect but we do love each other and that is the important thing.

I am grateful that families are forever!

I'll post pictures when I get my laptop back from the shop. sigh.... I miss my laptop....

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